My recent art work consists of collages on paper en intimate, layered works with casting resin. I call this steadily growing series Workz of Wonder. The relatively small size and medium allow me to work with more playfulness and thus creative freedom. During the process, a kind of connection arises between the materials and the image that is being created. Fascinating.
The serie with casting resing is called WorkZ of Wonder. The artwork is built up in phases. Between the layers of casting resin, I paint and edit the image, creating the final depth. Some WorkZ have a thickness of up to 10 cm.
I find working with resin quite a thing. One never knows exactly how it flows, and how the components harden. But combining casting resin, paint, different materials and collage techniques is such an adventure. I like the organic process in which happy accidents and insights can have their place. And although ever piece comes with a story, I like to leave it up to the viewer to see their own.
Work shown on this page is a selection to give an impression of my art